WOSB Certificate Webinar with SBA
Learn all about the WOSB Certification process in this one hour webinar presented by the Jacksonville Women’s Business Center and the U.S. Small Business Administration.
The Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program (WOSB Program) is to help provide a level playing field for women business owners. The federal government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that participate in the WOSB Program. These contracts are specific industries where WOSBs are underrepresented. Some contracts are restricted further to economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses (EDWOSBs). Getting certified as a WOSB Federal Contract Program participant makes a business eligible to compete for federal contracts set aside for the program.
Join us for a one-hour webinar to discuss the WOSB Program and certification process on February 12th at 2pm EST.
Questions? Email craft.talbot@jaxchamber.com